Sunday, July 22, 2007

Inhibitions and Morality

One of the great things about hypnosis is that the subject, regardless of how deep they are in trance, will not go against his or her own morals. Despite what Hollywood may portray, you're not going to have a hypnotized subject jumping off a bridge or committing murder for you. In the teachings of Freud, this moral system is known as the "super ego", and will override the id and the ego when necessary.

I believe that a lot of people have a mistaken view of the extent of morality. From my experience and studies, most people have very few moral objections. These usually include items affecting life, self-preservation, honesty, and loyalty.

However, if you ask a person about their morals, they'll get into various things that fall into the classification of inhibitions. These include many sexual limits, including multiple partners, bisexuality, certain sexual acts, and public nudity or acts. On a smaller scale, you can see this in any hypnotist stage show. If you've ever known someone who became a subject in these shows, you'll often see them do something that they'd never do in a normal state. This isn't pushing their moral limits, but a social inhibition. You'll see them dance with a broom, cluck like a chicken, or pretend to be a stripper. Can you imagine them doing this at the local bar (before alcohol)?

The value of this is obvious. I work with submissive women who are willing to push their limits. What they are surprised by is what limits they are actually able to push, and how far they can push themselves in hypnosis. How fun!!

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